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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Disease list starting with G

Diseases Database
Disease, medication, symptom etc database index : G

G syndrome see Opitz-Frias syndrome
G6PDH deficiency
GABA see gamma-Aminobutyric acid
GABA receptor agonists
GABA receptor antagonists
GABA transferase deficiency see Gamma-aminobutyrate transaminase deficiency
Gadobenate dimeglumine
Gadofosveset trisodium
Gadopentetate dimeglumine
Gaisboeck's syndrome see Pseudopolycythaemia
Gait abnormality see Ataxia
Galactokinase deficiency
Galactorrhea-Hyperprolactinemia see Galactorrhoea-Hyperprolactinaemia
Galactosaemia see Galactosemia type 1
Galactosaemia II see Galactokinase deficiency
Galactosamine-6-sulfatase deficiency
Galactose epimerase deficiency
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency see Galactosemia type 1
Galactosemia II see Galactokinase deficiency
Galactosemia type 1
Galactosemia type 3 see Galactose epimerase deficiency
Galactosylceramide-beta-galactosidase deficiency see Krabbe disease
Galactosyltransferase 1 deficiency see Xylosylprotein 4-beta-galactosyltransferase deficiency
Galantamin see Galantamine
Galanthamine see Galantamine
GALK deficiency see Galactokinase deficiency
Gall bladder carcinoma see Gallbladder cancer
Gall bladder cholesterosis see Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
Gall bladder rupture
Gall stones see Cholelithiasis
Gallamine triethiodide
Gallbladder calculus see Cholelithiasis
Gallbladder cancer
Gallbladder empyema
Gallbladder perforation see Gall bladder rupture
Galli-Galli disease see Dowling-Degos syndrome
Gallium nitrate
Galloway-Mowat syndrome
Gallstone ileus
Gallstones see Cholelithiasis
Gambian trypanosomiasis see Sleeping sickness (West African)
Gamma aminobutyric acid agonists see GABA receptor agonists
Gamma globulin
Gamma heavy chain disease
Gamma hydroxybutyrate
Gamma linolenic acid
Gamma-aminobutyrate transaminase deficiency
gamma-Aminobutyric acid
Gamma-cystathionase deficiency see Cystathioninuria
Gammaglobulins raised see Immunoglobulin levels raised (plasma or serum)
Gammaglutamyl transferase levels raised (plasma or serum) see Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels raised (plasma or serum)
Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels raised (plasma or serum)
Gammaglutamyl transpeptidase levels raised (plasma or serum) see Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels raised (plasma or serum)
gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane see Lindane
Gamma-hydroxybutyric acidemia see Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
Gamolenic acid see Gamma linolenic acid
Gamstorp-Wohlfart syndrome
Ganglion (tendon or joint) see Benign cystic mucinous tumor
Ganglion blocking agents
Ganglioside GM1
Ganglioside sialidase deficiency see Mucolipidosis IV
Gangliosidosis GM1, type 3
Gangliosidosis GM3
Gangrenous stomatitis see Cancrum oris
Ganser syndrome
Gardner-Diamond syndrome
Gardnerella vaginalis
Gardner's syndrome
Gareis-Mason syndrome
Garin-Bujadoux-Bannwarth syndrome
Garrod's pads
Gartner's duct cyst
Gas embolus see Air embolism
Gas gangrene
Gasser syndrome see Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Gastaut syndrome see Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
Gastrectomy see Postgastrectomy syndrome
Gastric acidity reduced see Hypochlorhydria
Gastric antral vascular ectasia see Watermelon stomach
Gastric cancer see Stomach cancer
Gastric content aspiration
Gastric emphysema see Phlegmonous gastritis
Gastric fistula
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide
Gastric lavage
Gastric metaplasia of esophagus see Barrett's oesophagus
Gastric polyp (hyperplastic)
Gastric polypoid adenoma
Gastric ulcer
Gastric volvulus
Gastrin levels raised (serum) see Hypergastrinaemia
Gastrin releasing polypeptide
Gastrinoma see Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Gastrodiscoides hominis
Gastroduodenal ulcers
Gastroesophageal reflux
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal haemorrhage see Gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage see Gastrointestinal bleeding
Gastrointestinal perforation
Gastrointestinal polyps
Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
Gastroscopy see Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastrospirillum hominis see Helicobacter heilmannii
GATA1-related cytopenia
Gaucher disease type 3 see Norrbottnian Gaucher disease
Gaucher's disease
Gavage feeding see Enteral feeding
Gazali-Temple syndrome see Microphthalmia-dermal aplasia-sclerocornea syndrome
Gaze palsy see Supranuclear ocular palsy
GB virus C see Hepatitis G virus
GBV-C see Hepatitis G virus
G-CSF see Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
GDNF see Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor
Gee-Herter-Heubner disease see Celiac disease
Geleophysic dysplasia
Gelineau syndrome see Narcolepsy
Gemella haemolysans
Gemella morbillorum
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin
Gender ambiguity see Ambiguous genitalia
Genee-Wiedemann syndrome see Postaxial acrofacial dysostosis syndrome
General anaesthesia
General anesthetic drugs
Generalized gangliosidosis GM1
Genetic disorders, Mendelian see Mendelian inherited conditions
Genital ulcerations see Genital ulcers
Genital ulcers
Genital wart see Condylomata accuminata
Genitourinary anomaly see Urogenital abnormalities
Genomic imprinting
Gentamycin see Gentamicin
Gentian violet
Genu valgum
Genu varum
Genu varus see Genu varum
Geographic tongue see Benign migratory glossitis
Geotrichum see Geotrichosis
GERD see Gastroesophageal reflux
Gerhardt syndrome
Gerlier's disease see Vestibular neuronitis
German measles see Rubella
Germinal cell aplasia
Geroderma osteodysplastica
Gerstmann-Badal syndrome
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
Gestational diabetes
Gestational hypertension
Gestational trophoblastic tumour (malignant) see Choriocarcinoma
Gestonorone see Gestronorone
Gestosis see Pre-eclampsia
Gestronol hexanoate see Gestronorone
GGT raised see Gamma-glutamyl transferase levels raised (plasma or serum)
GHRF see Growth hormone releasing hormone
GHRH see Growth hormone releasing hormone
GI bleeding see Gastrointestinal bleeding
GI polyps see Gastrointestinal polyps
Giaccai type acroosteolysis see Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 2
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome see Infantile papular acrodermatitis
Giant axonal neuropathy
Giant cell arteritis see Temporal arteritis
Giant cell chondrodysplasia see Atelosteogenesis type 1
Giant cell granuloma
Giant cell tumor of bone see Osteoclastoma
Giant hypertrophic gastritis see Menetrier disease
Giant intestinal fluke see Fasciolopsis buski
Giant kidney worm see Dioctophyma renale
Giant lymph node hyperplasia see Castleman's disease
Giant papillary conjunctivitis
Giant platelet syndrome see Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Giardia lamblia
Giardiasis see Giardia lamblia
Gibbus see Kyphosis
Giedion syndrome see Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type 1
Gikiyami see Nanukayami
Gilbert-Dreyfus syndrome see Incomplete androgen insensitivity
Gilbert's disease
Gilchrist's disease
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
Gillespie syndrome
Gingival disease see Gum pathology
Gingival fibromatosis-corneal dystrophy syndrome see Rutherfurd syndrome
Gingival hyperplasia see Gingival swelling
Gingival polyp see Epulis
Gingival swelling
Gingivitis, acute
Gingivitis, chronic
Gingivitis, desquamative
Gingko biloba
Ginkgo biloba see Gingko biloba
Gitelman syndrome
GK1 deficiency see Glycerol kinase deficiency
Glandular cheilitis see Cheilitis glandularis
Glandular fever see Infectious mononucleosis
Glanzmann-Naegeli disease see Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
Glatiramer acetate
Glaucoma see Raised intraocular pressure
Glaucoma, chronic simple
Glaucoma, secondary
Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor
Glioblastoma see Glioblastoma multiforme
Glioblastoma multiforme
Glitazones see Thiazolidinediones
Globoid cell leucodystrophy see Krabbe disease
Globulomaxillary cyst
Globus hystericus
Glomangioma see Glomus tumor
Glomerular sclerosis see Glomerulosclerosis
Glomerulocystic kidney disease
Glomerulonephritis, post streptococcal see Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis
Glomus jugulare tumor
Glomus tumor
Glossina morsitans
Glossina palpalis / tachinoides see Riverine tsetse
Glossopharyngeal nerve lesion see 9th cranial nerve disorder
Glosso-pharyngeal nerve pathology see 9th cranial nerve disorder
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Glucagon-like peptide 1
Glucoaminophosphaturia syndrome see Luder-Sheldon syndrome
Glucocerebrosidase deficiency see Gaucher's disease
Glucocerebrosidosis see Gaucher's disease
Glucocorticoid agonists see Glucocorticoids
Glucocorticoid receptor defect
Glucocorticoid resistance see Glucocorticoid receptor defect
Glucocorticoids, inhaled
Glucocorticoids, systemic
Glucocorticoids, topical
Glucocorticoid-suppressible hyperaldosteronism
Glucokinase related MODY see Maturity onset diabetes of the young type 2
Glucose levels low (blood, serum or plasma) see Hypoglycaemia
Glucose levels raised (blood, serum or plasma) see Hyperglycaemia
Glucose phosphate isomerase deficiency
Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency see Glycogenosis type 1a
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency see G6PDH deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate transport defect see Glycogenosis type 1b
Glucose-galactose malabsorption
Glucosuria see Glycosuria
Glucuronidase deficiency see Mucopolysaccharidosis VII
Glue ear see Nonsuppurative otitis media
Glutamate formiminotransferase deficiency
Glutamic acid see Glutamate
Glutaric acidemia type 1 see Glutaric aciduria type 1
Glutaric acidemia type 2
Glutaric aciduria type 1
Glutaric aciduria type 2 see Glutaric acidemia type 2
Glutaricaciduria type 1 see Glutaric aciduria type 1
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency see Glutaric aciduria type 1
Glutathione peroxidase deficiency (erythrocyte)
Glutathione synthase deficiency
Gluten sensitive enteropathy see Celiac disease
Glyburide see Glibenclamide
Glycerate dehydrogenase deficiency see Hyperoxaluria, primary type 2
Glycerin see Glycerol
Glycerol kinase deficiency
Glyceryl trinitrate
Glycine decarboxylase deficiency
Glycine dehydrogenase deficiency see Glycine decarboxylase deficiency
Glycogen debranching enzyme deficiency see Glycogenosis type 3
Glycogen storage disease type 0 see Liver glycogen synthase deficiency
Glycogen storage disease type 1a see Glycogenosis type 1a
Glycogen storage disease type 1b see Glycogenosis type 1b
Glycogen storage disease type 2 see Glycogenosis type 2
Glycogen storage disease type 2b see Glycogenosis type 2b
Glycogen storage disease type 3 see Glycogenosis type 3
Glycogen storage disease type 4 see Glycogenosis type 4
Glycogen storage disease type 5 see Glycogenosis type 5
Glycogen storage disease type 6 see Glycogenosis type 6
Glycogen storage disease type 7 see Glycogenosis type 7
Glycogen storage disease type 8 see Glycogenosis type 8
Glycogen storage disease type 9 see Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
Glycogenosis type 0 see Liver glycogen synthase deficiency
Glycogenosis type 1a
Glycogenosis type 1b
Glycogenosis type 2
Glycogenosis type 2b
Glycogenosis type 3
Glycogenosis type 4
Glycogenosis type 5
Glycogenosis type 6
Glycogenosis type 7
Glycogenosis type 8
Glycogenosis type 9 see Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
Glycolic aciduria see Hyperoxaluria, primary type 1
Glycopeptide antibiotic
Glycoprotein Ib deficiency see Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Glycoprotein IIb / IIIa inhibitors
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex deficiency see Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
Glycopyrronium bromide see Glycopyrrolate
Glycyrrhiza see Glycyrrhizic acid
Glycyrrhizic acid
Glycyrrhizin see Glycyrrhizic acid
GM1 gangliosidosis, type 2
GM2 gangliosidosis type A0BH see Tay-Sachs disease
GM2 gangliosidosis type A0BO see Sandhoff's disease
GM2 gangliosidosis type AB
GM-CSF see Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor
Gnathostoma see Gnathostomiasis
GnRH see Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
GnRH agonist see Gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonists
GnRH antagonists see Gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonists
Goebel's syndrome see Spheroid body myopathy
Goiter see Goitre
Golabi-Ito-Hall syndrome
Gold salts
Goldberg syndrome see Galactosialidosis
Goldberg-Morris syndrome see Testicular feminization syndrome
Goldenhar syndrome
Goldmann-Favre syndrome
Goldscheider's disease
Golfer's elbow
Gollop-Wolfgang complex
Goltz-Gorlin syndrome (Focal dermal hypoplasia) see Focal dermal hypoplasia
GOMBO syndrome
Gonadal dysgenesis (female)
Gonadal dysgenesis (male)
Gonadal failure see Hypogonadism
Gonadorelin see Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
Gonadotrophic hormone see Gonadotropins
Gonadotrophin deficiency see Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
Gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonists
Gonadotrophin releasing hormone antagonists
Gonalgia see Knee pain
Gonococcus see Neisseria gonorrhoea
Gonorrhea see Neisseria gonorrhoea
Gonyaulax toxin see Saxitonin
Good syndrome
Goodman syndrome see Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type 2
Goodpasture's syndrome
Goose bumps see Piloerection
Goosepimples see Piloerection
Gopalan's syndrome
GORD see Gastroesophageal reflux
Gordon syndrome
Gordon's syndrome see Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 2
Gorham's vanishing bone disease
Gorlin-Chaudhry-Moss syndrome
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome (basal cell naevus syndrome) see Gorlin's basal cell nevus syndrome
Gorlin-Psaume syndrome see Orofaciodigital syndrome type 1
Gorlin's basal cell nevus syndrome
Gorlin-Vickers syndrome see Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b
Gottron's pads see Gottron's papules
Gottron's papules
Gottron's syndrome see Acrogeria
Gougerot-Blum capillaritis see Schamberg's disease
Gout see Urate crystal arthropathy
Gouty arthritis see Urate crystal arthropathy
Gowers' chorea see Wilson's disease
Gower's distal muscular dystrophy see Welander muscular dystrophy
Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndrome see Foster-Kennedy syndrome
Gracile bone dysplasia
GRACILE syndrome
Gradenigo-Lannois syndrome
Graft versus host disease
Graham Steell murmur see Pulmonary valve incompetence
Gram negative bacilli / rods
Gram negative cocci
Gram positive bacilli / rods
Gram positive cocci
Gram staining characteristics
Gram-negative bacillus see Gram negative bacilli / rods
Gram-negative rods see Gram negative bacilli / rods
Gram-positive bacillus see Gram positive bacilli / rods
Gram-positive rods see Gram positive bacilli / rods
Grand multiparity
Granular cell tumor
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor
Granulocytopenia see Neutropenia
Granulocytosis see Neutrophilia
Granuloma annulare
Granuloma faciale
Granuloma inguinale
Granuloma trichophyticum see Tinea profunda
Granulosis rubra nasi
Graves' disease
Grawitz's tumor see Renal adenocarcinoma
Grebe chondrodysplasia syndrome
Green color blindness
Green tea leaf extract
Greenberg dysplasia
Greig syndrome see Aarskog syndrome
Greig's cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome see Craniofacial dysmorphism-polysyndactyly syndrome
Grey platelet syndrome
Grey Turner's sign
Griscelli syndrome type 1
Griscelli syndrome type 2
Griscelli-Prunieras syndrome see Griscelli syndrome type 1
Grisel's syndrome
Groenblad-Strandberg syndrome
Groenouw type 1 corneal dystrophy see Reis-Bucklers' corneal dystrophy
Groin mass
Groin nodes see Inguinal lymphadenopathy
Groin swelling see Groin mass
Groin tinea see Tinea cruris
Gronblad Strandberg syndrome see Groenblad-Strandberg syndrome
Groundnut hypersensitivity see Peanut allergy
Grover's disease see Transient acantholytic dermatosis
Growth hormone
Growth hormone deficiency (congenital)
Growth hormone insensitivity syndrome see Laron dwarfism
Growth hormone releasing hormone
Grubben syndrome
GTN see Glyceryl trinitrate
GTP cyclohydrolase 1 deficient DRD see Segawa syndrome, autosomal dominant
Guaiacol glyceryl ether
Guaiac-positive stools see Faecal occult blood positive
Guaifenesin see Guaiacol glyceryl ether
Guaiphenesin see Guaiacol glyceryl ether
Guam disease see Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism dementia complex of Guam
Guanarito virus
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency
Guanine nucleoside analogues
Guar gum
Guibaud-Vainsel syndrome see Carbonic anhydrase type 2 deficiency
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Guinea worm see Dracunculiasis
Gum arabic
Gum disorders see Gum pathology
Gum pathology
Gum swelling see Gingival swelling
Gummatous inflammation see Gumma
Gunn's pupil see Relative afferent pupil defect
Gunshot injury
Gunther's disease see Congenital erythropoeitic porphyria
Gustatory lacrimation
Guttate psoriasis
GVHD see Graft versus host disease
Gynaecological conditions


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