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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Disease list starting with U

Diseases Database
Disease, medication, symptom etc database index : U

U wave inversion
U waves tall
Ubidecarenone see Ubiquinone Q10
Ubiquinone Q10
Udd distal myopathy see Udd-Markesbery tardive muscular dystrophy
Udd-Markesbery tardive muscular dystrophy
UDP glucuronyl transferase deficiency see Crigler-Najjar syndrome
UDP-Galactose-4-epimerase deficiency see Galactose epimerase deficiency
UDPglucose-4-epimerase deficiency see Galactose epimerase deficiency
Uehlinger syndrome see Pachydermoperiostosis
Uhl's disease
Uhthoff phenomenon see Uhthoff's symptom
Uhthoff's symptom
Ulcerative colitis
Ullrich and Fremerey-Dohna syndrome see Hallermann-Streiff syndrome (HSS)
Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
Ullrich-Feichtiger syndrome see Chromosome 13 trisomy syndrome
Ulnar-mammary syndrome of Pallister
Ultraviolet exposure
Umbilical cord prolapse
Umbilical hernia, congenital see Omphalocoele
UMP synthase deficiency see Hereditary orotic aciduria
Uncinaria stenocephala
Uncombable hair syndrome
Unconscious state see Reduced level of consciousness
Unconsciousness see Reduced level of consciousness
Undecylenic acid
Undescended testicle see Cryptorchism (maldescended or ectopic testis)
Undritz anomaly
Undulant fever see Brucellosis
Unequal pulses see Pulses asymmetrical
Unequal pupils see Anisocoria
Unicameral bone cyst
Unilateral nevoid telangiectasia syndrome
Unilateral pulmonary emphysema see MacLeod syndrome
Unilocular hydatid disease see Echinococcus granulosus
Universal dyschromatosis see Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria
Unna-Thost disease see Tylosis
Unstable angina
Unstable bladder see Detrusor instability
Unstable haemoglobin disease see Heinz body anemia, congenital
Unverricht-Lundborg syndrome
Upper airway obstruction see Stridor
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Upper motor neurone lesion
Upper respiratory tract infection
Upper zone lung fibrosis
Urachal cyst
Uracil mustard
Uramustine see Uracil mustard
Urate crystal arthropathy
Urate levels increased (urine)
Urate levels low (urine) see Uric acid decreased (urine)
Urate levels raised (plasma or serum) see Uric acid levels raised (plasma or serum)
Urbach-Wiethe disease see Lipoid proteinosis
Urea levels low (plasma or serum)
Urea levels raised (plasma or serum)
Urea low see Urea levels low (plasma or serum)
Urea raised see Urea levels raised (plasma or serum)
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Uremia see Renal failure
Uremia, acute see Renal failure, acute
Uremia, chronic see Renal failure, chronic
Ureteric dilatation see Megaureter
Ureteric obstruction
Urethral cancer
Urethral caruncle
Urethral catheter see Urethral catheterization
Urethral catheterization
Urethral discharge see Urethritis
Urethral diverticulum
Urethral obstruction see Urethral stricture
Urethral prolapse see Urethrocoele
Urethral stenosis see Urethral stricture
Urethral stricture
Urethro-oculoarticular syndrome see Reiter's syndrome
Urethrorrhea see Urethritis
Uric acid crystal deposition in joint see Urate crystal arthropathy
Uric acid decreased (urine)
Uric acid levels raised (plasma or serum)
Uric acid low (plasma or serum) see Hypouricemia
Uric acid raised (urine) see Urate levels increased (urine)
Uric acid renal excretion increased
Uricosuric see Uric acid renal excretion increased
Uridine monophosphate hydrolase deficiency see Pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficiency
Urinary catheterization
Urinary color change see Urine color abnormal
Urinary frequency
Urinary incontinence see Incontinence, urine
Urinary plasminogen activator
Urinary retention see Urine retention
Urinary sodium raised see Sodium levels raised (urine)
Urinary tract bleeding see Haematuria
Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract malformation
Urine color abnormal
Urine colour change see Urine color abnormal
Urine glucose raised see Glycosuria
Urine indicans raised
Urine K low see Potassium levels low (urine)
Urine K raised see Potassium levels raised (urine)
Urine Na low see Sodium levels low (urine)
Urine Na raised see Sodium levels raised (urine)
Urine output increased see Polyuria
Urine pH high
Urine pH low
Urine protein raised see Proteinuria
Urine reducing substances
Urine retention
Urine-induced contact dermatitis see Nappy rash, primary
Urobilinogen levels low (urine)
Urobilinogen levels raised (urine)
Urocanase deficiency see Urocanate hydratase deficiency
Urocanate hydratase deficiency
Urocanic aciduria see Urocanate hydratase deficiency
Urofacial syndrome see Ochoa syndrome
Urofollitrophin see Follicle stimulating hormone
Urofollitropin see Follicle stimulating hormone
Urogastrone see Epidermal growth factor
Urogenital abnormalities
Urokinase see Urinary plasminogen activator
Urolithiasis see Nephrolithiasis
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency see Porphyria cutanea tarda type 2 (familial)
Uroporphyrinogen III synthase deficiency see Congenital erythropoeitic porphyria
Uroporphyrinogen synthase deficiency see Acute intermittent porphyria
Urotensin 1 see Urocortin
Ursodeoxycholate see Ursodeoxycholic acid
Ursodeoxycholic acid
Ursodiol see Ursodeoxycholic acid
URTI see Upper respiratory tract infection
Urticaria pigmentosum see Mastocytosis
Urushiol rash see Toxicodendron dermatitis
Usher syndrome
Uterine agenesis
Uterine anomaly
Uterine atony
Uterine bleeding see PV bleeding
Uterine cavity sclerosis see Asherman's syndrome
Uterine cervix carcinoma see Cervical cancer
Uterine endometrectomy see Dilatation and curettage
Uterine enlargement
Uterine fibroid see Fibromyoma, uterine
Uterine fibroid red degeneration
Uterine hemorrhage see PV bleeding
Uterine inversion during labour see Inversion of uterus during delivery
Uterine malformation see Uterine anomaly
Uterine prolapse
Uterine rupture
Uterine sarcoma
Uterocoele see Uterine prolapse
Uterus didelphys see Congenital uterine duplication
UTI see Urinary tract infection
UV light see Ultraviolet exposure
Uveomeningoencephalitic syndrome see Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome


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